Battlefield 3 - דיון מקדים - עמוד 45 - משחקי מחשב - HWzone פורומים
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Battlefield 3 - דיון מקדים


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משתתפים בולטים בדיון

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אני די מאמין שזה ינתן לפתיחה( תשלום/שלב מתקדם ) גם אחרי יצאת המשחק.

DAO-12 - שהיה גם בBF2 .

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Battlefield 3 to have huge amount of voice over variations


According to recent tweets from DICE voice over producer Tomas Danko, 3 will feature the largest amount of voice over variations “ever recorded for a multiplayer FPS”, and that there are over 300 variations of “man down” event. Danko also revealed they’re not recording any Chinese voice over sounds, meaning we might not be seeing the return of the Chinese faction in 3. Danko tweeted:

Crunching right now, all recordings done soon. No chinese, sorry!

Danko also tweeted several more bits of details, for instance, foreign language voice over will have the option of being said in English, but unlike other games, this time, they’ll be said in “broken English”, with an accent. Danko also said there’s a lot more swearing in 3 than in Bad Company 2, which itself had a lot of explicit words.

Thanks for the tip, Josh!

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