לשחק עם גיימפאד ב-Limbo - משחקי מחשב - HWzone פורומים
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לשחק עם גיימפאד ב-Limbo


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Here is a temporary solution if you want to play your Limbo with Logitech Gamepad 2, just until devs update the game and give us full support for this controller..

First of all, you need to have the "logitech profiler" installed. We will simply "install" the profile for Limbo to the profiler.

Here is the XML file

  • Copy the text below, and paste in into a new notepad file.
  • Save the file, as a regular .txt extension file
  • change the extension to .xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GameProfile xmlns="http://www.logitech.com/schemas/2009/gaming/game_profile"><Profile GUID="{052AE6DF-CE8D-4877-BA3A-6580B37F5A8A}" Publisher="Custom User Profile" Author="Pak" Revision="1:03/08/2011" Installed="false"><Name>Limbo</Name><Signature Key="" Value="" Shortcut="" /><Target IconIndex="0"><Name>limbo.exe</Name></Target><Macros><Command Id="1" Name="Mouse Left Button"><Event Type="Mouse" DeltaX="0" DeltaY="0" Mask="1" /></Command><Command Id="2" Name="Mouse Middle Button"><Event Type="Mouse" DeltaX="0" DeltaY="0" Mask="4" /></Command><Command Id="3" Name="Mouse Right Button"><Event Type="Mouse" DeltaX="0" DeltaY="0" Mask="2" /></Command><Command Id="4" Name="Keystroke Left" IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="LEFT" Up="false" KeynameUndo="LEFT" /></Command><Command Id="5" Name="Keystroke Right" IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="RIGHT" Up="false" KeynameUndo="RIGHT" /></Command><Command Id="6" Name="Keystroke Up" IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="UP" Up="false" KeynameUndo="UP" /></Command><Command Id="7" Name="Keystroke Down" IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="DOWN" Up="false" KeynameUndo="DOWN" /></Command><Command Id="8" Name="Keystroke Right Control + " IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="RCTRL" Up="false" KeynameUndo="RCTRL" /></Command><Command Id="10" Name="Keystroke Enter" IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="ENTER" Up="false" KeynameUndo="ENTER" /></Command><Command Id="12" Name="Keystroke Esc" IsKeystroke="true"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="ESCAPE" Up="false" KeynameUndo="ESCAPE" /></Command><Command Id="15" Name="ENT CTRL"><Event Type="Key" Keyname="ENTER" Up="false" /><Event Type="Key" Keyname="ENTER" Up="true" /><Event Type="Key" Keyname="RCTRL" Up="false" /></Command><AxisCommand Id="4" Name="LEFT RIGHT" RefIdMin="4" RefIdMax="5" /><AxisCommand Id="9" Name="Y" RefIdMin="6" RefIdMax="7" /><BandCommand Id="14" Name="UP DOWN"><Band RefId="6" Min="0" Max="3429" /><Band RefId="-1" Min="3429" Max="32958" /><Band RefId="-1" Min="32768" Max="62106" /><Band RefId="7" Min="62106" Max="65535" /></BandCommand><HatCommand Id="11" Name="8Movement" HatType="8-way" RefIdN="6" RefIdS="7" RefIdW="4" RefIdE="5" RefIdNE="-1" RefIdNW="-1" RefIdSE="-1" RefIdSW="-1" /><CycleCommand Id="13" Name="ENTER CTRL"><CommandRef RefId="10" /><CommandRef RefId="8" /></CycleCommand></Macros><Assignments DeviceModel="47"><AxisDynamics><AxisDef Axis="Y" Sign="1" Acceleration="50" Speed="100" Deadzone="0" DeadzoneSign="0" /><AxisDef Axis="X" Sign="1" Acceleration="50" Speed="100" Deadzone="0" DeadzoneSign="0" /></AxisDynamics><Command RefId="6"><Control Type="Button" ID="3" /></Command><Command RefId="10"><Control Type="Button" ID="9" /></Command><Command RefId="12"><Control Type="Button" ID="8" /></Command><Command RefId="7"><Control Type="Button" ID="1" /></Command><Command RefId="8"><Control Type="Button" ID="2" /></Command><Command RefId="10"><Control Type="Button" ID="0" /></Command><Axis RefId="4"><Control Type="Axis" ID="0" /></Axis><Band RefId="14"><Control Type="Axis" ID="1" /></Band><Hat RefId="11"><Control Type="POV" ID="0" /></Hat><Mapping><Source Type="Axis" ID="0" /><Destination Type="Axis" ID="1" /></Mapping><Mapping><Source Type="Axis" ID="1" /><Destination Type="Axis" ID="2" /></Mapping><Mapping><Source Type="Axis" ID="2" /><Destination Type="Axis" ID="4" /></Mapping><Mapping><Source Type="Axis" ID="3" /><Destination Type="Axis" ID="8" /></Mapping></Assignments></Profile></GameProfile>

After this step, open up your profiler (taskbar) and Profile > Import.

Select the XML file you just created. You should be ready to go.

Tested on Windows7 with Rumblepad 2 F510, working like a charm without problems.

Some Notes -

"Left Stick: X Axis" is set to use left and right, "Left Stick: Y Axis" is set to ue UP and DOWN commands. However, it was hard to play the game with the stick (specially the up-command happening at the slightest movement of the stick) so I reprogrammed the stick in advanced mode. Now, UP and DOWN for the stick does not work unless you press up 90% or press down 90%.

BACK button is programmed to ESCAPE and START button is programmed to ENTER. These simply start and stop the game as they should.

X button is ENTER

Y button ıs UP

B button is CTRL (action)

A button is DOWN

Have Fun !

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