2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare- כל הפרטים כאן - עמוד 93 - משחקי מחשב - HWzone פורומים
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2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare- כל הפרטים כאן


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02:59 Ryan-IW

From all of us here at the IW, thank you all again and see you online on Nov 10th

זו עובדה כבר ולא הנחה :)

הציטוט למעלה נלקח מאירוע אתמול -צ'אט לייב בבסט-ביי ארה"ב.


נשאלו המון שאלות וזה פחות או יותר במרוכז:

01:51 zackattack300
Is iw.net laggy? Has it been tested in the sahara on dial-up while downloading 3gig files and running antivirus with less than 200 ping? Hope so, it'll need it.

01:51 Vince-IW
We did test it in the Sahara, but we were only downloading a 1GB file...

02:00 kaRMa
Regarding the PC version, will all games be hosted by players or just private matches? And will the host have a zero ping advantage?

02:01 Mackey-IW
We put a lot of work into making the game tolerant of latency. In my personal experience it is not obvious which player is host. The game plays well on broadband.

02:03 TheNinthAxis
Is there lean in PC multiplayer.

02:03 Vince-IW

02:05 Axen Please explain how a 9v9 match is a multiplayer experience? I'd have more fun serving lunch at a local nursing home.

02:05 Vince-IW
Sounds like are a very compassionate and giving person. I hope the people at the nursing home appreciate you.

02:06 TRU-Jennifer
Are you considering dedicated servers for the PC gamer in the near future?

02:07 Mackey-IW
Our main focus right now is on making sure the game will work well when it is released (on all platforms).

02:03 LeetGamer_Cobra
why are there so litle recoil in the weapons in mw, and is it the same in MW2? We have done a shooting test on most of the weapons used in MW and it is like even imposibel to hit a target with not using burst fire, and that also even with the small smg. with spraying 1 mag, it was like in 20 meters only from 1 to 2 shot that did hit and that was the 1 and 2 first bullets going out, rest was fare from hitting anything. So personaly, i feel like the weapons are mutch to easy to shoot with in MW.

02:07 Ryan-IW
With balancing weapons, we strive to make sure each weapon recoils close to how it would in the real world. A good amount of us here at IW go shoot regularly and have hours of range time. The recoil we have in game is reflective to that of real steel firearms.

Will you guys ever rethink about making a possible dedicated server patch after the initial launch? BTW I LOVE U GUYS <3

02:09 Vince-IW
We feel the PC game is great in it's current form. We put a lot of work into IWnet in an effort to make the PC experience better for our users. If there is a need for somthing more in the future we will address as needed.

02:10 rnrmusic55
you said IWnet was created to help stop piracy, what do you say about the Xbox 360 version leaked and shared on torrent sites?

02:10 Vince-IW
IWnet was designed to make the MP experience on PC easier and more balanced.

02:13 Stringarray
Will IW ever consider developing games on the PC to support dedicated servers, be it MW2 patches or future endeavors? Just curious if dedicated servers are on the radar anymore.

02:13 Mackey-IW
Our goal is to provide the best experience for our users, so nothing is ever "off the table". We are always evaluating our options.

02:15 IW_has_failedus
Why did you make the game soo much easier for noobs by putting in death streaks and pro marty/jugger. Now people can't be good at the game because they will always be killed by the noobs with triple jugger or w.e. You guys have to go back to your roots. I realize that all you guys are after is money, but come on. What about the true fans.

02:15 Vince-IW
Just do me a favor and play the game first, we put a LOT of work into balance. We are big gamers here at IW and want a great experience just as much as you.

02:15 Mackey-IW
Also in response to IW_has_failedus, death streaks don't kick in until you've died several times, so you're not going to be tearing up the leaderboard with deathstreaks. They're just a great way to get out of a cold snap.

02:16 zach426
Will you create any multiplayer playlists for competitive play? ( I.E.. no perks, killstreaks, attachments etc.)
02:16 Ryan-IW
You'll be able to customize MP gametypes through Private Match.

01:56 ulukai
Will it be possible to use "lean" in the pc version, can we chat like in cod4 and is there any x-fire system to join friends allready playing ?

01:56 Vince-IW
Since we use steam for the PC version you have access to your Steam friends list.

02:17 Freeman06
Hello, are you considering ever patching in mod tools for the pc to make custom maps and such?

02:17 Mackey-IW
Right now we're focused on launching our game.

02:19 JunkyNL
I like many others, have friends from all over the world and like to play games against each other. So with this new system we wont be able to play lag free against each other? And is there still a (Offline) LAN function?(there is no internet at that location) (the 402 site doesn't answers this question)

02:19 Vince-IW
You can party up with your friends and you will be placed in a game that works well for everyone.

02:19 gdogg
On the PC version is there going to be Hardcore Free for all?

02:20 Mackey-IW
Currently there are hardcore TDM and SD playlists, however as you witnessed with CoD4:MW, the playlists may change from time to time.

02:20 GunnZero
i play on all gaming machines, if it allows me to game, im on it. But will PC have Mod tools?

02:20 Vince-IW
We haven't made any decisions regarding this yet.

02:21 folf
Could the migration of hosting make my isp�s service agreement void since I am not supposed to host servers?

02:21 Vince-IW
No, this is not a permanent server that you are hosting.

02:21 Futurefighter
How do you plan to appeal to professional pc gaming leagues like CAL and CEVO with IW.net?

02:21 Vince-IW
I guess we'll have to talk to them and see what they would need. We would love to work something out.

02:22 Themouse
Hi,and sorry if it got asked ,or answered in the first 10mins, I had trouble connecting, I only actually want to know 1 thing, will you re-introduce dedicated server support, a yes or no will do? So I can enjoy the rest of the chat, or go off and do something more useful

02:22 thajuggaloz
Is there a possiblity IW will release Dedicated Servers in a future patch? I am in a large international COD clan and IWnet/9vs9 will be impossible for us as a group to play together.

02:22 Vince-IW
We can't predict the future... yet.

02:22 Mackey-IW: To sportfan91
We are currently focused on launching the game.

02:23 h4msandwich
Has IWnet been tested in European settings? My clan plays european leagues and we got ppl from Eastern europe, UK and Sweden meeting in the same match. How is this going to play out considering siginificant differences in Bandwith and connection qualities between players. Will host player always have the ping advantage. Can a match be hosted by 'third' person, not taking part in the match?

02:23 Mackey-IW
Players do not control who hosts.

02:25 DudezTY
Since we can not kick people in ranked matches, how will we stop hackers who get past VAC?

02:25 Mackey-IW
Our goal is to ban hackers from the game.

02:25 GeneralClean
So how can you justify 9 vs 9 at the most on PC when we had 32 vs 32 in COD4?

02:26 Mackey-IW
The CoD4 maps were not balanced for 32vs32. In MW2 the entire experience is carefully balanced for a smaller range of players.

02:26 frzg
Was the decision to create IWNet for PC a profit based decision or a 'genuine improvement of the game'?

02:26 Vince-IW
To improve the game, it actually cost us money to develop it so the there isn't a profit motive.

02:26 krm2014
Will the IWNET multiplayer system compensate for the undoubtly low ping that the host computer will have for the other players, or will the host have an advantage over the other players? Also, going back to clans...Is there a way to have more than 18 people in a server, because my clan has at least 100 members and we like to get 20-30 on our servers at the same time.

02:26 Mackey-IW
Games cap out at 9v9. The software has great latency tolerance. See above!

02:27 Torinir
How does IWNet plan to address serious griefing, such as intentional teamkilling, voice/chat spamming, and other unwanted behaviours in public matchmade games? This includes organized griefing from groups like myg0t.

02:27 Mackey-IW
You can easily mute players, and hardcore (friendly fire enabled ) SD has "ricochet" which makes you hurt yourself instead.

02:27 Sno-dog
Is there a final decision placed on any modtools that you may or may not come up with later on? Not necessarily for Multiplayer, but possibly Singleplayer or Spec Ops? Also, im sure the SP will be an awsome spectical. Sadly, im worried about the Multiplayer, how do you guys feel the multiplayer will play out?

02:27 Vince-IW
Multiplayer is incredible, you should not be worried!

02:27 Stormbringer
I can see how IW.net would be good for the individual; however, would you not agree that for clans with wide geographic dispersion this could cause severe problems in terms of ping?

02:27 Vince-IW
We have not found this to be a problem.

02:29 Mackey-IW
Seems like everybody I play with on 360 is some guy in England that got the game early, and the game was very playable even with only 2 of 4 bars.

02:34 zach426
What was your guy's logic behind removing the lean feature for PC, a feature that was a mainstay from all of your previous titles?

02:34 Mackey-IW
The game is not balanced for lean.

02:36 maniac1969
Vince, there are 178,000 voices that say you need dedicated servers for the PC. COD4 is the bigest online game in history! Why in the world would you take away dedicated servers and change the whole MP experience for us? And Mackey, the PC version with dedicated servers is already the best experience the way it is!

02:36 Vince-IW
All I can say is that we changed it to make it a better and easier experience. Also, not all of the names on that list are legit.

02:36 Mackey-IW
402 signed it 4 times I heard.

02:37 kaRMa
Please give me a direct answer. On the PC version. Are all games hosted by players, and is there a 5 second delay when host migration is in effect?

02:37 Vince-IW

02:37 TRU-Jennifer
What are the current steps being taken in regard to active blocking measures that some major ISPs have taken regarding Peer 2 Peer connections, such as what Comcast does?

02:37 Mackey-IW
Only players capable of hosting will be host.

02:39 The3rdNipple
Midnight on Nov 10th, are you guys prepared for the mass number of people that will be logging on? Do you think this launch could go without delays? Btw, last post I never got to say great job guys.

02:39 Vince-IW
I am scared for the onslaught... We have done everything we can to prepare and we have people ready to respond, but you can't test for everything to this scale.

02:40 JunkyNL
You say the Multiplayer is going to be incredible and I want to try this new IW.net system to see, but if it doesn�t exceeds my expectation I lost 60 dollars cause it cannot trade PC games. Unless IW is going to offer a money back guarantied

02:40 Mackey-IW
When one of your friends buys it, you can ask him if it's good, and then make an educated decision.

02:40 Ryan-IW
We understand your concern for the PC version as it is a very important topic. We keep our loyalties to making good games. Fun games that people can play worldwide and on multiple platforms. We feel that most or all of your questions will be answered on November 10. We had a blast developing this game for the last two years.

02:40 Freeman06
Is IW.net going to be available for midnight release, even tho if you orderd on steam it comes out 2 days later?

02:40 Vince-IW

02:41 N2DEEP
I run lan parties for PC, how will you be able to lan without internet access and no dedicated servers as you could with cod4?

02:41 Mackey-IW
We can play at work on our lan by doing private match and there is no lag.

02:41 JD8
Several members of my clan are in other countries, If your new system doesn't consider them a good match to play with us they may feel like an outsider in our clan community. How are we supposed to keep our clan base if we don't get to choose who is a good match?

02:41 Vince-IW
Party up!

02:42 GeneralClean
Have you tested IW.net with connecting with overseas players? And if so what were the results?

02:42 Vince-IW
Yes, seemed good.

02:43 Moriarte
Will there be a multiplayer PC demo shortly after release? The PC community is largely skeptical at best right now and with no ability to trade-in or rent, this is a real gamble for our wallets.

02:43 Vince-IW
No plans for a demo currently. We are still working on finishing the PC game right now (yes, I know... we need to get done!)

02:43 ETPC
How come MW2 is delayed on Steam and when does the pre-load start (16gb is a bit big )? Also, will there be a DX10/10.1/11 renderer/option?

02:43 Vince-IW
We hate the delay as well, it is not up to IW.

02:44 Apex
Will there be a way to provide genuine feedback regarding IW.Net after the game is released? Seeing as the PC subforum at your site isn't very effective.

02:44 Mackey-IW
We wil be watching and listening of course.

02:44 ViperVenom
What was the inspiration behind the AC-130, Throwing knives, 3rd person and such? Did looking at some of the Cod4 Mods influence any of these?

02:44 Ryan-IW
The inspiration behind so many inclusions to MW2's MP was basically the fun factor. We'll look at something we did in the past and say "Wouldn't it be fun if we *insert blank here*". With MW2 we had the chance to do a lot of just that. We implemented things that at first were very experimental and unbalanced, but through time and hours and weeks of testing and balancing, we came out with something amazing.

02:45 gdogg
Are you aware of the petition to for dedicated servers and mods, have you taken this into acount?

02:45 Vince-IW

02:47 will0812
Do you honestly think you have improved the PC version with IW.Net, you cannot claim the gameplay is smoother, as dedicated servers are much more efficient.?

02:47 Mackey-IW
Yes, we believe MW2 is better than CoD4:MW. The reason iw.net exists is to improve the gameplay for our users.

02:47 TrastX
You guys have made it easier for PC players to hope in a random game, but you made it harder for Clans to stay together and play in a community fashion like were used to. How will we be able to play with the same people on a regular basis without having 100s of people on our friends list, is there ever a way to join the same match rooms?

02:47 Vince-IW
Yes, you can party up with people and play with them.

02:48 IW_has_failedus
Will PC Players be able to play online WITH xbox 360 players? Like in the game shadowrun? Because that would be totally badass. =D Maybe something we could see in the future of the franchise? Also has Future warfare ever come to mind?

02:49 Vince-IW
no, not something we think is a good idea currently

02:50 CrusaderCon
Since you guys have not made any decisions on MW2 mod tools. I suggest taking a long thought about the past games and how many great ideas and things that came from mod tools. 1. Fantastic Maps! 2. Amazing Gametypes like ZombieX, The Vietnam Mod, The Rising Mod, The Open Warfare Mod, and The Mod! 3. Great Player Skins! 4. New Modified Weapons! You may think this would be a hassle to have mods and etc. But, all you need to do is open a mod and mapping section of the IW website and have pe...

02:50 Vince-IW

02:50 MasterShrive
Apologies I am late and if this has been asked before, but I am the co-leader of an Australian PC clan (Roll the Dice) and down under our is rather poor with very limited upload capabilities. Our clan also has 25+ members all over the country and we regularly have trainings and scrims as a group. My question is, has IWnet catered for this kind of scenario and will be able to train together still given the P2P and rather poor ADSL connections in Australia? We are also charged or our uplo...

02:51 Ryan-IW

02:51 Mackey-IW
Your ping gets taken into account for match making

02:51 Mackey-IW
And you can play with your friends using friends lists or private matches.

02:54 lucifeR
If there is no console, how can you expect people with low-end PC's to play the game with sufficent FPS? As in COD4, you could remove things such as decals in order to gain much needed frames per second.

02:54 Mackey-IW
You can turn stuff down in the menus.

02:54 Moriarte
Ignoring IW.net, is the version a direct port of the console version?

02:55 Mackey-IW
No, has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.

02:56 LaGgY_42o
What kinds of pings did you get during your IWNet testing and what do you say is an acceptable ping?

02:56 Mackey-IW
I've been playing mainly with around 100ms ping and it was great.

02:56 Axen
Why the high price tag? I understand taking money from the console players, but as an avid gamer, my wallet is not so giving for a game that lacks so many features.

02:56 Mackey-IW
We don't set the price

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