ı got some questıons about the X360 - משחקי מחשב - HWzone פורומים
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ı got some questıons about the X360


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well as you see ı wrıte ın englısh and ıf you see she ıs not so good.

ı'm ın turkey and tomorrow ı back at 3 O'clock

ok untıl ı wrıte ın hebrew ı have some questıons

1. as you see the prıces ın ısrael for the 360 are gettıng low ın about 100 NIS. ıs ıt better to buy ıt here or at US or at UK?

2. ıf ı get the 360 ıt's better to buy the premıum edıtıon or the edıtıo?

3.? ıf ı get the 360 ıt's better to buy the chıp ın VGS.CO.IL or waıt for normal chıp

4. sorry for the problems ın the language but you know ım not so good ın englısh

thank's for the helpers!

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

me not understand that much about but:

1. I think it's cheaper to get it abroad (especially in the far east).

2. Ofcourse it's better to buy the permium (especially with all the online content), the question is, can you afford it.

3. If you dont buy games, and download them, you must get the chip (otherwise it's useless), If you can afford it for now, you can get it, and replace it later when something better comes along.

4. it's ok, thats how you learn.

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

here's the deal,

it all comes down to how much are they asking for in turkey?

i bought mine in about 350 euros (for the premiume one)

The recomanded price by microsoft is 209 euros which is far less then the price in israel.

the lowest price you can get is of course in the US though it doesn't really metter, a diffrence of 50$ max.

i think you should get the premiume edition since you'll be really depressed withe the version for verious reasons.

i think you should wait with the chip, right now the only selution is to upg the firmware of the drive which is an irreversable proccess which in the end of it you won't be able to get in to the live network.

if you get the premiume version you should be able (if connected to the internet) to download game demos to the hard drive free of charge, there are a lot of demos available so that should keep you bussy for a while.

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

no matter what,dont ever ever think about buying the edition of the xbox360...its a waste of time and cash.

buy the premium edition only!!!

also,you should wait with the chip,there are no actual working chips around the world for the x360 that actually allow you reading cracked and downloaded games....

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

no matter what,dont ever ever think about buying the edition of the xbox360...its a waste of time and cash.

buy the premium edition only!!!

also,you should wait with the chip,there are no actual working chips around the world for the x360 that actually allow you reading cracked and downloaded games....

But there are some firmware hacks that allow to run burned games..

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

Well actualy ı want to buy the 360 ın 6-7 months

tıll then ı check prıces for the 360

now the Fırmware hack ıs mean that ı can't download DEMO'S?

and you know ım not the type of multıplayer more lıke Sıngleplayer. ıs ıt fun to play wıth frıends ın games cause ın the computer ı dıdn't play any MP Games except maybe GUNZ

you can wrıte ın hebrew ı can't wrıte ın hebrew

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

הפרצה של הפירמוור מאפשרת לך להרית את רוב המשחקים, לאחרונה השתחררה חדשה שנותנת לך אפשרות להריץ את כולם, היא לא פורצת את האיזור ככה שאתה עדיין מוגבל לNTSC או PAL, אם אתה קונה אירופאי זה יהיה פל ורוב מה שיש באינטרנט זה NTSC.

ברגע שאתה פורץ אותו אין לך אפשרות להכנס לליב מה שאומר שגם אין דמואים או עדכונים לקונסולה או למשחקים.

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

So you say that ıt's better to waıt for normal chıp?

Remember ı want to buy the 360 ın 6 months

there are stıll roomer and they are sayıng that maybe there ıs gonna be another edıtıon for the 360 but ıt's gonna be less than the versıon

and let's say that ı want to buy the 360 from US or UK ın web's lıke: game.net or so do they do a delıvery for IL?

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים


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