מפרט סופי סופי -אישור, הקנייה תתצבע מחר ב11 - ייעוץ לפני רכישת מחשב - HWzone פורומים
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מפרט סופי סופי -אישור, הקנייה תתצבע מחר ב11


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CHANNEL WELL TECH יצרו את הספקים לאנטק.

Awesome PSU's. Can't go wrong with those. They have made most of the Antec PSU's, at least before the Truepowers. My Antec is a CW. Looks like a good price too.


לא מאמין שתיפול.

עריכה: כנראה שגם את ה TRUE POWER הם מייצרים לאנטק:

I have to say that going in I was not expecting much. But, since then my opinion has drastically changed. While looking at this power supply I noticed that it bore a striking resemblance to my Antec True550. The power supplies share the same casing. If you compare the output of this power supply to that of the True480 they are also the same. While I have not been able to confirm that they are indeed manufactured by the same company, I can tell you that they share a case, fans, output levels, and even the individual rails for 3.3v, 5v, and 12v. Ill let you draw your own conclusions.

Overall, I was very impressed by this power supply. It currently resides in my main system. The only complaint I have is that the power levels are slightly lower than the standards. They do stay at or near the same level at all times. My system has been running flawlessly for 3 days with this power supply and I have yet to experience a single issue with stability.


עריכה 2:

עוד CWT


Meridian's new XCLIO-550BL is definitely a solid performer with good voltages and capable of meeting (and exceeding) its rated specifications. In fact, I was able to push this power supply to a peak of about 700-750W (however it did shutdown safely within about 30 seconds). Even under that heavy load I checked the 12V rails and they were still within 1% tolerance! Under very heavy loads & temps, the fan does kick in at full speed and can be noisier than some would like. A couple more SATA connectors would have been nice (currently only has two), especially considering this is a 550W model.

This power supply is made by Channel Well Technologies, the same people that make power supplies for Antec. As mentioned before, the new XCLIO models (with the rubberized coating) have essentially the same "guts" as the True Power 2.0 line. The main difference is the number and types of connectors, and also the rubberized coating. Cost-wise, the XCLIO is *slightly* less expensive from places that I have looked online


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לא כתבתי את זה בשבילך :).


עוד לינקים:

In the first once-over I gave the CWT-450BD, my impression of it wasnt all that good. Second-rate parts were used, overall workmanship was a bit lacking, and it just didnt seem like top-quality kit. Those impressions were shoved aside once the started to work and work marvellously at that. With solid lines all around and little voltage flux, the CWT-450BD proved that it could tough it out with the best




קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

Maxtop CWT-450BD 450W זה טוב?

לא ראיתי אותו אבל בLOGIC PC

אתה יכול לתת לי 2 דגמים רק שני דגמים שאבחר מהם אחד?

מכל מה שנתת לי תן לי 2 שאבחר אחד

שלא יהיה יותר מידי יקר ושיהיה מצוין ולא רועש

הלוח אם זה


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אתה לא יכול להרשות לעצמך פחות מזה בשביל האוברקלוקים שאתה רוצה לעשות. תרד לשני דיסקים של 200 או תביא כסף ממקום אחר.

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