buying a car, need help - כללי - HWzone פורומים
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buying a car, need help


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[ltr]I'm 21 and I think it's time to get mobile. as nice as it is to drive my mom's 206 1.6, I need a car of my own. I was thinking about a 106 Rallye, now my dad is up to it and is willing to help me fund it (I got ATM 5k and soon I'll get about 5k from the army). also my dad loves the MX-5 very much (practically a fun) and he said that if I'll find one for up to 50k or so, he won't mind buying it.

the problem is that I can barely find those cars for sale on used car boards, does anybody knows a good board or even better someone who's selling one of those? and also how do I tell the difference between a Rallye and an XSI/XS (besides rear disc brakes)? feel free to leave any advices...


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