לכל אוהבי ה tweaking...חובה להכנס!! {Tweaking בתוכנה 3DMark} - תוכנה - HWzone פורומים
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לכל אוהבי ה tweaking...חובה להכנס!! {Tweaking בתוכנה 3DMark}


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הנה רשימה לא קטנה של עצות לטוויק שפורסם בפורום של "מאדוניון" הרוב פה לא מובן לי, אנא עיזרו לי ולשאר חברי הפורום לנתח את הדברים... בתודה גבי

- Get RivaTuner, go into the power user section and set the LODBias Range to 15. Then go into the DirectX tweak section and use these for benches:

Car Chase - 10.0

Dragothic - 12.0

Lobby - 4.0

Nature - 3.1

- Turn off your monitor b4 running the bench (from Gibbo) - this should be your last trick, IMO Take away the best bit: watching the FPS increase in


Well here are a few tricks I've found for 3DMARKs increase. The first thing I always do before I run.

Defrag your hard drive this helps alot.

I use cool-bits for overclocking My Ti500 255/555 seems to work best for my setup.

Disable all the programs you can that are unning in the backround. For Window 2000pro I use customizer XP, it has an option to disable all of the startup programs. If your running XP or 98se you can do this by going to (run) type (msconfig)run. Here you will find the option to disable the startup programs..Disable the screensaver and the desktop (wallpaper)

I also go into the device manager and disable the soundcard.

The best time to run is when you first bootup. this way the machine is running it's coolest,and your have the most of you memory free.

There's more but I can't of them all right now..

By Jord043

Here are my tweaks (much of them has already been said, so I don't have so much to say...) :

The LOD bias settings I use :

Car, Lobby and Nature : 3.5 (well, 1C because I change it with regedit)

Dragothic : 10 (50 in hex)

But the increases in the car chase and lobby tests are minimal because of my bottlenecky Athlon 600, so this 3.5 in these tests is not justified...

Nature Test goes from 27.7 to 32.x with this tweak !!!

I use the GTU to tweak :

level of anisotropy : bilinear (point sampling is ugly and don't give performance)

vsync off/prerender limit : 5

fsaa off

enable all the other settings (I've tested, they don't affect performance, at least on my system)

No need to talk about OpenGL...

Kafou's original trick - Only for stable systems that can do many tests without freezing :

It works very well in 2000 (100 marks increase just with that...), and sometimes helps in 3DMark2001 when you are close to the #1 in your class or a symbolic number (like 4.5k for me - I broke it with that) :

Start your bench with only the game tests selected, and watch.

Save your project when it's finished.

If a test slightly (or greatly...) lagged, or gave anormally low framerate (ie 1fps lower than you expected, lol !), just re-do this test and perhaps your score may go up by some dozens of marks ! (but obvioulsy it can reduce it too - this case re-re-do the test until you reach/overtake the precedent score)

Continue re-doing the tests until you get the score you want (but don't expect more than 50 points over the original score).

When you've finished (you think your tests are good and your system gave you the best it can), get your LOD bias back to 0 and do the theorical tests.

Save your project, and submit it to the ORB !

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