משפטי צ'אק נוריס - עמוד 3 - כללי - HWzone פורומים
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משפטי צ'אק נוריס


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משתתפים בולטים בדיון

משתתפים בולטים בדיון

Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked Albert Einstein. The result was Stephen Hawking.

Contrary to popular belief, a Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick does not kill. The wind it generates gets to the victim first.

Chuck Norris' beard is a third degree black belt.

In the first Jurassic Park movie, the Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn't chasing the jeep. Chuck Norris was chasing Tyrannosaurus Rex. Why? He wanted new boots.

1 Chuck Norris + 1 Chuck Norris = 1 Chuck Norris (Because there is only 1 Chuck Norris.)

Chuck Norris knows the sound of one hand clapping.

Chuck Norris can breathe light

Chuck Norris can find the square root of the color yellow.

Chuck Norris squeezes cannon balls for stress relief, and that's where mercury comes from.

# Chuck Norris counted to infinity...Twice.

# Chuck Norris counted to infinity a third time. This time in complex numbers.

Chuck Norris can combine General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics.

Newton's Fourth Law is Chuck Norris. "An object at motion will stay at motion, unless it meets Chuck Norris"

When Chuck Norris drops a cat, it always lands on its back.

While Chuck Norris was in elementary school he took a math test and wrote the word "violence" for every problem. He got every problem correct. Chuck Norris can solve any problem with violence.

There are no Atoms in an Bomb. Just the sperm of Chuck Norris.

The universe isn't expanding; it's running away from Chuck Norris

Tears of joy exist because you have gotten away from Chuck Norris. So why are there tears? Because you know he'll be back for you later

There was no UFO crash in Roswell. It was just Chuck Norris playing with a frisbee.

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שתף באתרים אחרים

צ'אק נוריס לא הולך, העולם מסתובב בשבילו.

Even if it smells like chicken, looks like chicken and tastes like chicken, if Chuck Norriss says it's beef, it is.

המפץ הגדול הוא המצית של צ'אק נוריס.

...וביום הראשון ברא צ'אק נוריס...

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

While playing Guitar Hero 3, Chuck Norris beat Through the Fire and the Flames, on expert, with his back turned, without touching the controller, on three consoles at the same time...perfectly.

Chuck Norris doesn't wear steel capped boots; not because his toes are already harder than steel, but because nothing would dare fall on Chuck Norris' foot

Chuck Norris beat Grand Theft Auto 4 in 22 seconds, without using a controller

Real cowboys wear boots of made of real leather. Chuck Norris wears boots made of real cowboys.

Chuck Norris doesn't use guns in Counter Strike. He uses his fists.

Chuck Norris can be unlocked on the hardest level of Tekken. But only Chuck Norris is skilled enough to unlock himself. Then he roundhouse kicks the Playstation back to Japan.

In Mortal Kombat, there is a ninja named rain. He was called rain because that's what his blood was after chuck killed him for stealing his roundhouse.

Chuck Norris was going to be in a PS3 game, but there weren't enough pixels for his beard.

When little boys get bored they put army men in weird positions. When Chuck Norris gets bored he puts dead bodies on the top of Mount Everest in weird positions.

If you spell "Chuck Norris" in Scrabble, you win... forever.

If you create a Chuck Norris Mii and play Wii games, you begin as Pro.

Nemesis, from Resident Evil 3, is Chuck Norris' pet.

Chuck Norris caught 750 different Pokemon... on the first day the game was out. Using only one version. And he didn't care for the fact that there's only 493 nor the fact that they are split between 12 different versions. And three of them are Japanese

Chuck Norris managed to clear 5 rows in Tetris with one piece.

Chuck Norris does not need a Wii-mote. He simply stares at the screen.

Chuck Norris is so good at FIFA that he completed the entire career mode in 4 hours... using Yeovil.

Lag was invented so that normal people might have a chance of beating Chuck Norris. It doesn't work.

Chuck Norris took 6 hours to complete Metal Gear Solid. He only used the TV remote.

Chuck Norris took part in the last Burp Competition. It happened in 1986 near a town named Chernobyl.

Chuck Norris once played a game of roulette in a casino and bet on blue. He won.

Chuck Norris became the Ultimate Pokemon Master with only a Magikarp, and only using Splash

Each time someone types in "Chuck Norris" in the XBox 360, it creates the Red Rings of . Each time his name was used in vain, the console explodes.

Chuck Norris plays Russian Roulette with a fully loaded Magnum. And wins.

אם הצפתי.. אז תורידו את הפוסט.

יש פה כמה ממש מעולים.

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