תוכנה ששולחת הודעה במייל כשהסיסמא עומדת לפוג ב AD - טכנולוגיית מידע - IT - HWzone פורומים
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תוכנה ששולחת הודעה במייל כשהסיסמא עומדת לפוג ב AD


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אני מחפש תוכנה או סרביס חינמי שרץ וכשהסיסמא של המשתמש עומדת לפוג אז הוא מקבל מייל עם הודעה שיש לו עוד 5 ימים לשנות את הסיסמה,

כרגע אני משתמש ב "ADSelfService Plus Console" אבל הוא רק ל 50 משתמשים והתוקף שלו עומד לפוג.

תודה לכל העוזרים,


גיא ש.

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים

הנה ה SCRIPT

במקומות שיש XXX זה מידע רגיש לכן צנזרתי.


# Version 1.3 April 2015

# Robert Pearman (WSSMB MVP)

# TitleRequired.com

# Script to Automated Email Reminders when Users Passwords due to Expire.


# Requires: Windows PowerShell Module for Active Directory


# For assistance and ideas, visit the TechNet Gallery Q&A Page. http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Password-Expiry-Email-177c3e27/view/Discussions#content



# Please Configure the following variables....


$expireindays = 5

$from = "Computer Support <ComputerSupport@XXXl>"

$logging = "Enabled" # Set to Disabled to Disable Logging

$logFile = "<log file path>" # ie. c:\mylog.csv

$testing = "Enabled" # Set to Disabled to Email Users

$testRecipient = "guys@XXX.co.il"

$date = Get-Date -format ddMMyyyy



# Check Logging Settings

if (($logging) -eq "Enabled")


# Test Log File Path

$logfilePath = (Test-Path $logFile)

if (($logFilePath) -ne "True")


# Create CSV File and Headers

New-Item $logfile -ItemType File

Add-Content $logfile "Date,Name,EmailAddress,DaystoExpire,ExpiresOn"


} # End Logging Check

# Get Users From AD who are Enabled, Passwords Expire and are Not Currently Expired

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$users = get-aduser -filter * -properties Name, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, EmailAddress |where {$_.Enabled -eq "True"} | where { $_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false } | where { $_.passwordexpired -eq $false }

$DefaultmaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge

# Process Each User for Password Expiry

foreach ($user in $users)


$Name = $user.Name

$emailaddress = $user.emailaddress

$passwordSetDate = $user.PasswordLastSet

$PasswordPol = (Get-AduserResultantPasswordPolicy $user)

# Check for Fine Grained Password

if (($PasswordPol) -ne $null)


$maxPasswordAge = ($PasswordPol).MaxPasswordAge




# No FGP set to Domain Default

$maxPasswordAge = $DefaultmaxPasswordAge


$expireson = $passwordsetdate + $maxPasswordAge

$today = (get-date)

$daystoexpire = (New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End $Expireson).Days

# Set Greeting based on Number of Days to Expiry.

# Check Number of Days to Expiry

$messageDays = $daystoexpire

if (($messageDays) -ge "1")


$messageDays = "in " + "$daystoexpire" + " days."




$messageDays = "today."


# Email Subject Set Here

$subject="Your password will expire $messageDays"

# Email Body Set Here, Note You can use HTML, including Images.

$body ="

Dear $name,

<p> Your Password will expire $messageDays.<br>

To change your password on a press CTRL ALT Delete and chose Change Password <br>

<p>Thanks, <br>


# If Testing Is Enabled - Email Administrator

if (($testing) -eq "Enabled")


$emailaddress = $testRecipient

} # End Testing

# If a user has no email address listed

if (($emailaddress) -eq $null)


$emailaddress = $testRecipient

}# End No Valid Email

# Send Email Message

if (($daystoexpire -ge "0") -and ($daystoexpire -lt $expireindays))


# If Logging is Enabled Log Details

if (($logging) -eq "Enabled")


Add-Content $logfile "$date,$Name,$emailaddress,$daystoExpire,$expireson"


# Send Email Message

Send-Mailmessage -smtpServer $smtpServer -from $from -to $emailaddress -subject $subject -body $body -bodyasHTML -priority High

} # End Send Message

} # End User Processing

# End"

קישור לתוכן
שתף באתרים אחרים


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