Surprise, Surprise: PS3 Outsells Xbox 360 In January - קונסולות - HWzone פורומים
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Surprise, Surprise: PS3 Outsells Xbox 360 In January


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According to the NPD Group, in December Sony sold only 797,600 units compared with 1.35 million Wiis and 1.26 million Xbox 360s.

But the tide is changing and the latest data from NPD Group are in, showing that in January, PS3 has finally managed to surpass Xbox 360 and moved to the second spot, right behind Nintendo Wii.

Although it was a slow month for gaming sales, Sony sold 269,000 PS3s, 5,000 units less than Nintendo Wii.

Microsofts Xbox 360 was kicked in the third place, with 230,000 units sold in January. But it seems the reason behind Xbox 360s modest result is Microsofts inability to anticipate strong post-holiday demand.

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